Friday, February 29, 2008


Well, my immune system, she fell asleep at the wheel and no doubt lately she's had a few sleepless nights of overwork due to battling other people's sweat from the gym but I still think she could've done more than just handed me over to the virii (viruses?). Which she did. Didn't even put up a fight. So no more soup for you. Come year.


Patrix said...

Ouch! Be sure to go to the doc ASAP so you can get Tamiflu. It isn't as effective after 48 hours. The flu, which I'm assuming you have, can be a bitch. Although I've recovered mostly, I'm still coughing at infrequent intervals.

Anonymous said...

get well, get well soon, we want you to get well!

gawker said...

patrix : Fortunately I don't think it's the flu but its less famous but equally nasty brother. The doctor said its some form of viral cold.

naveen : You're a very kind man. Very kind, thank you.