Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Here's how criminally insane some Americans are. I was witness to the dispensation of this nugget of expert political analysis from one American to another while working out in the gym. It went like this :

Joe Biden has spent a number of years in the US Senate. Joe Biden's net worth is a mere $150,000. Senators typically earn a lot of money. Joe Biden in particular, who is the senator from Delaware, should have earned even more money through kickbacks from all those credit card companies that call Delaware their home. Since Joe Biden's net worth does not adequately reflect all those kickbacks that he surely must have received, Joe Biden is hiding something and therefore, is highly untrustworthy as a vice presidential candidate.

Are these people for real? If so, God Bless America.


RobRoy said...

They're as real as the Bush Doctrine . . . unless you don't know what that is. ;-)

ggop said...

Never underestimate people's peverse thinking!

gawker said...

robroy : Bush Doctrine...whats that? .. a late night cinemax offering?

ggop : Yes, I usually keep the bar low on perverse thinking, but this one went even lower than my bar.

RobRoy said...

Ahh, so you do know what the Bush Doctrine is. Congrats! You're capable of being the next Vice President!