Monday, June 12, 2006

Great poor joke and a greater poorer corollary

From Zoo Station :

Q. What do you get when you cross Lee Iacocca with Dracula?

A. Autoexec.bat

From the comments section :

I wonder if anybody pointed out the math flaw in the joke?
Technically if you CROSS the two you should get a sine(theta) ie |autoexec||bat|sine(theta). Thus you want the answer to have a DOT in it ie |autoexec||bat|cos(theta) then you have to multiply by tan(theta) so that the cosines cancel.

Thus the mathematically correct answer to the riddle is AUTOEXEC.BAT tan(theta)


Kowshic said...

Slapped my head so loudly that a co-worker is amused...

RobRoy said...

I would have laughed, but I didn't get it. So instead, I just scratched my head. I'm pleased to report that my head feels better.

Deepak Shenoy said...

Where do you store all these jokes?

A: The "boot" sector.