Sunday, May 03, 2009

The deck



flight risk said...

you live here?



can i move in? ;)

Anonymous said...

can ppl who visit you blog, visit your home?

Manchus said...

Lovely. The greenary and the color of the wooden deck and the bird feeder makes a perfect combination. And of course the lovely plants and the furniture...really brings in the warmth of a home.

Anonymous said...

that is lovely.

ggop said...

I heart your backyard!

gawker said...

flight risk : I grow tomatoes and lettuce. Of course, I am married.

mulcher : My blog is my home. Wait, is it the other way around? No, I was right the first time.

Manchus : Thanks, it looks much better in summer after I plant more flowers.

bhad : Thanks, although those aren't my own trees.

ggop : Thanks, yes, it is well-loved by all.

Anonymous said...

I see you have tomatoes and pepper plants? What are in the window boxes?

I will totally steal the color of your deck when we need to paint ours in a year!

And we used to have trees like this until last year when the electric company decided to chop them off cuz you know..apparently we don't need any 8 day power outages during an icestorm..I don't get that at all :(! I want my trees back..booo hoooo.....

gawker said...

Yes, I have tomatoes and three types of peppers. If by window box you are referring to the rectangular ones, we have spinach, lettuce and cilantro. Sorry to hear about your trees, that's pretty sad. Luckily ours don't have any powerlines near them so they should be safe from those pesky humans.

Anonymous said...

i have a tree in my backyard which i am contemplating on taking down.
i am the pesky human

gawker said...

Don't be a pesky human. What's wrong with the tree? Don't you want to build your kid a treehouse on it?

AD said...

too close to the house
too many leaves
too many roots
too manhy nuts
too close to the house

Serendipity said...

Are u looking to adopt ?:) *sweeet smile* :)

gawker said...

bhad : Come on, it doesn't look like its that close to your house. Leave it there, It will support you in your old age.

Serendipity : Yes...Do you know any babies with good earning potential?