Wednesday, February 18, 2009

13 inch TV

Colleague1 : That guy who just passed us. He had a head like a 13 inch TV.

gawker : Where?

Colleague1 : There, that guy in the Hyundai.

Colleague2, still trying to process Colleague1's initial statement : What? Why did you compare his head to a 13 inch TV?

Colleague1 : He had a huge head. I couldn't see his neck.

Colleague2 : But why a 13 inch TV? Who compares a head to a TV? Why not say he had a head like a basketball?

Colleague1 : He had a square head, like a TV.

Colleague2 : You could have said he had a large head. Christ, John.

Colleague1 : Look, I didn't want to send any homosexual overtones. You know what they say about guys with large heads.

Colleague2 : What....that they have big remotes?

Colleague1 : Forget it. Anyways, I made gawker laugh. That's something.

gawker : Actually, I am quite easily amused.


Anurag said...

You seem to work with interesting people. :)

gawker said...

Yeah they are a riot. They keep breaking windows and throwing stones at each other.

ggop said...

This made me laugh - as a new sleep deprived mom, I sure could use more laughs :)
Thanks Gawker for sharing your bizarro work stories.

gawker said...

Hey nice to see you back and this explains why it's been a while. Congratulations and condolences hehe.