Friday, April 18, 2008

Medical announcement of the day

It's probably a bit late to call it breaking news, but here it is. This goes out to all men. Offered without comment.

Woo-freaking-hoo. I mean, achoo. I have a bad cold.

Okay, no comment, starting NOW.

By the way, the article is from 2003, so I don't know if there's been any new research that contradicts the findings in that one. I am guessing not. Research doesn't carry itself out and I am sure the team did not have a lot of time in the period between 2003 and 2008 to do it.


Partho said...

What did you mean by that last sentence? Does it imply that many of these researchers, not having the time to carry it out in practice, might be probable prostate cancer victims today?
Oops I'm sorry. No comment, you said. But I can't help saying "I told you so."

gawker said...

partho : No, the opposite of what you said. But again, no comment.