Thursday, August 10, 2006

These are my thoughts for thursday

This nigga is back in the hizzouse. Youknowamsayin? That's what gangsta rappers keep asking us. "Youknowamsayin?" even if they haven't said anything yet. For example, Dr Dre, my favorite gangsta rapper of all time, opens his album, "The Chronic", my favorite rap album of all time, with the following lines :

"Hell yeah. Youknowamsayin?"

Yes, I say to the good doctor, you said hell yeah, and there was no way I could have misunderstood your point. See, what gangsta rappers should do is go through at least one full song before taking a break in order to ask the question "youknowamsayin". Kinda like how Ann Coulter pauses AFTER her liberal-bashing speeches to answer questions like, "So Ms Coulter, do you like your babies fried or merely sauted", or "What kinds of condiments do you usually add to your baby sandwich, does bacon merely augment or entirely overwhelm that fresh baby taste?"

Similarly, gangsta rappers should inquire "Youknowamsaying" after they have finished saying something, thus giving their audience an opportunity to reply, no, I did not really understand what you just said but I will now replay the record and listen to it with rapter attention.

But why was I even listening to rap? I was listening to my MP3 player on the train, my car being out of service. She was in the dealership yesterday because lately, the fact that wealth had been piling up in my wallet was kinda bugging me and my conscience reminded me that it was time for its redistribution. So I took her to the dealer for an oil change and left her there, safe in the knowledge that transfer of cash and cows from the bourgeoisie to the proletariat would soon ensue.

So then I took the train to work and back. Philadelphia has an interesting metro rail network, called SEPTA, not that it matters. The basic principle behind its architecture is that in order to travel from point A to point B, which is, say, distance "c", you always have to travel through point D say, at a distance "e" from point A where e = (c + x) miles, where x = distance equivalent to the time it takes you to be late for work. Point D is usually Center City, Philadelphia. So if you want to travel from your home which is in suburb A, to your workplace which is in suburb B, you get to visit the mighty City of Brotherly Love on the way, passing through Mexico in the process.

The very first thing you observe when you enter the city on the R5 regional rail line is a huge glass building standing by itself outside the 30th Street station. The moment you see the building, the first thought that enters your mind is, my, what a humongous penis of a skyscraper. I often wonder why every tall edifice in existence always gets compared to the male member.

When I was in UMass, our university library, called Dubois Library (shown on the left), a pretty gay name for a library, which might have something to do with it, was always compared to a penis. Indian graduate students used to call it "the lawda". I've got to visit the lawda, we used to say when it was time to return our books.

Other things that have been compared to the penis include the Washington memorial, the Eiffel tower and George W. Bush, all of which, excepting the last one have been called so because they suffer from the ignominy of being gargantuan erections of concrete or metal.

The question, therefore is, why aren't similarly human creations of humongous concavity ever compared to the female genitalia? For example, why isn't there anyone who has ever looked at the Pacific Ocean and breathed in wonder, wow, that is one giant vagina. Or how about those tourists who pass the Washington memorial and immediately bestow a look of contempt upon their own crotch in order to shame it out of its lethargy? Would these same people scream, Wooo Hooo here we go, into the vagina, when their car plunges into the Holland tunnel?

But I think I know the reason behind this apparent discrimination between the sexes. See, the vagina is a shy creature, hiding coyly behind not one, not two, but three different pairs of curtains, assuming you are not on the cover of "Shaven" magazine. The penis on the other hand, proudly rears its ugly head aloft in order to be seen and heard by society. The penis craves publicity, the vagina shies away from it. And that is why society tends to project the image of the penis onto anything that even vaguely resembles it while the vagina gets to enjoy a life of relative privacy, away from the public eye.

Good for the vagina, I say.


RobRoy said...

So how do phallic symbols relate to rap artists asking "youknowamsayin?"

Thanks for your concern on my absence. I was teaching America's youth to properly shoot bows and arrows. Thus, when the Cataclysm comes, they will be properly prepared to hunt meat and fight off zombies or mutants.

CAR said...

So, Do we talk about rear ends on Fridays?

Kimberly El-Sadek said...

Being from Portland, Oregon I would like to share with you the building most often referred to with phallic descriptions...the KOIN Center building.

KP said...

hey dude

you should change your blog name from a goose egg to a booze kegg

the funniest blog ever!


Anonymous said...

O gawker, where art thou? You haven't been writing much these days.


gawker said...

robroy : well the flow of thoughts was such that rap stars were closely followed by phallic symbols and hence the narrative took such a turn as well.

good job training America's youth by the way. we will probably need their help tomorrow in fighting off America's youth.

patrix : it is so-known because the rest of the landscape is significantly non-tumescent, thus making the lawda stand out.

car : i was going to, but i got rear-ended.

lumi : yes. that makes for a decent-sized phallus.

kappa : thank you. thank you again.

naveen : a post will soon be forthcoming along with the reasons for my prolonged absence from post-making.

zambezi said...


gawker said...

no i did not but it did make me happy to see the level of excitement that possibility evoked in you.

Anonymous said...

There are phallic symbols everywhere.
Do you remember the dreary sansad samachar or parliament news that used to appear on dd? A wicked editor friend of my parents pointed out that at the beginning of the programme shots of the statues of the various national leaders were displayed from Ambedkar to Gandhi, all with their fingers pointing in the air at different angles, music playing in the background. I used to wonder then why they laughed so uproariously.