Monday, January 05, 2009


May your new year be filled with happiness and joy and most of it be triggered by good things that happened to you and not somebody else.
May your fridges overflow with and kitchen utensils be forever dipped in leftover food.
May the erroneous payment of a ten dollar bill instead of a dollar bill continue to not bother you all that much.
May your flexible health plan benefits go underutilized.
May your home dwindle in value due to the real estate bust and not because cardboard got cheaper.
May your indoor plants continue to prosper and grow in spite of your presence in their life.
May your doors continue to keep out visitors and windows continue to drown out their cries.
May you age only in body and not in mind if you're a man and do the exact opposite if you're a woman.
May your children continue to disappoint you only to the extent that you've disappointed your own parents.
May your unhealthy self loathing turn into a healthy loathing of another person.
May you continue to find copious amounts of evidence that you are the most important person to have ever dwelled upon this planet.
May your better half and significant other continue to be that in name only.
May your frowns turn upside down, yet your head stay attached to your torso.
May all your bullets find vital organs and your vital organs continue to elude bullets.
May all your friends continue to find the inner strength to suffer your interminable bitching and moaning in silence.
May your hair reverse its lifelong trend of southward migration.
May your hopes and dreams be sufficiently unrealistic for their dashing to cause too much heartache.
May you finally discover your soulmate or at the very least, a credible, constantly refreshed password hack site.



Anonymous said...

thenq. wish you the same.

Anonymous said...

hey gawker..hny to you and yours.
absolutely love your times and pace.
been reading through the day.
- mulch mulch reader :)

Partho said...

"May you age only in body and not in mind if you're a man and do the exact opposite if you're a woman...." Bernard Shaw-esque. Is it borrowed from Shaw?
The last wish was the clincher.
Happy new year, Gawker!

shakester said...

happy new year indeed, gawker

beatnik said...

Nice nice post :)
HNY to you too!

Anonymous said...

i feel a lot better about my year already. Happy New Year, Gawker!