Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Please go ahead

Yesterday as I came in to work, I saw a couple of cop cars parked in front of the building. Okay, something to look forward to, maybe a burglary, or oh man, dare I dream, could it be...arson, I thought to myself as I carefully parked my car in such a way that my blown headlight would be hidden from the long viewing proboscis of the Law.

Inside was a blaring alarm and a police officer interrogating a woman who, it seems, had set the burglar alarm off by letting herself into the building but omitting to enter the code for its disarmament. So it looked like it was going to be a normal day after all, at least for me. I moved on.

Today as I drove in to work and got out of my car, I saw the same woman standing outside the building with her keys in her hand. Obviously, she was going to make a reattempt at entering the building without setting the alarm off. She looked at me with hope in her eyes as a knight who would rescue her damsel ass from the alarm dragon. But I didn't feel like being interrogated by cops so I decided that this would be a great time to do the dime check on my tire treads. I knelt down. After waiting in vain for me to materialize, she resigned herself to her fate. Keys in hand, she walked into the bowels of the building.

I guess I took the coward's way out but what to do, frequently that is the only way not lined with thorns, loud blaring noises and prison cells.


Anonymous said...

Thats so true...

Abi said...

Phew, that was really close, Gawker. Thank FSM that your mental alacrity helped you stay out of jail. Again.

gawker said...

arshat : Thank you

abi : Yes, but I'm sure there still remains a jail cell in this country with my name written on it.

RobRoy said...

Only if they catch you, gawker, only if they catch you.

gawker said...

robroy : Indeed, my journey from the red sun of India to the yellow sun of the USA did make me faster than a speeding bullet but those cop cruisers, man, they are pretty fast.