As happens on almost every other morning, I woke up today to the screaming of my cellphone alarm, regretting the alcoholic excesses of the previous night and hoping against hope that I had not reapplied the Mariah Carey theme to my Chrome browser while in a state of inebriation.
I turned off the alarm and switched sides in order to continue snoozing till such a time as any additional delay in waking up would put my job in jeopardy, when I noticed the unpleasant sensation peculiar to having something lodged inside your throat. Understandably so, I assumed it to be morning snot which I tried to swallow. It wouldn't go down. I put more effort into it. It just wouldn't budge. Concerned now, I sat up and tried to determine what was preventing the smooth execution of what is usually a relatively elementary bodily function. After a couple more tries and the object continuing its stubborn refusal to be flushed down the gullet, I finally decided that more drastic measures would be required. I shoved my finger inside my mouth and attempted to extricate whatever it was that was lodged inside my throat.
I came up with a mass of my own flesh.
Terrified, I ran to the bathroom, stood in front of the mirror and opened my mouth wide in an attempt to determine the nature of the calamity that appeared to have befallen me during the night.
You know that tiny dangly thing that hangs in front of your tonsils and hovers non-intrusively in the background that you only notice as you check out your teeth for pearliness and spinach? It was FUCKING HUGE. GIGANTIC.
HOOOOLYYY FUUUCCKKKK I screamed to myself, not loudly because I did not wish to wake up Ganesha (I had already named it after the Hindu God that it resembled in both size and physical appearance) and ran downstairs looking for my iPod touch. This was no time to be waiting for Windows Vista to boot up.
As I fired up the iPod browser in order to determine what was wrong with me, I realized that I had no idea what Ganesha was even known as in the medical community. So I typed in "dangly thing in front of throat" and sweet sweet Google ( BTW dear Google, if you're reading this and if you ever wish to use my house as a repository for hiding human remains and shit, CALL ME) immediately supplied me with its biological term. The UVULA.
Now I had something to go on. Still panicking sufficiently so as not to be able to appreciate the humor contained in the word "uvula", I typed "swollen uvula" into Google. And the very first link to appear was this blogpost.
"If you've woken up this morning with a swollen uvula then the best thing to do is eat lots of ice cream and just calm down" began the blogpost.
I immediately failed to calm down due to the realization that I was entirely out of icecream. But I continued to read on.
YES I said. I had indeed been drinking a lot and probably been snoring like a pig. Go on, said I to the Blogpost.
It was almost as if the Blogpost was reading my mind. Except it used the word "wiggly" instead of my preferred "dangly". Anyways, let's go with wiggly.
Finally, I stopped panicking. I chilled down and relaxed (or as assholes like to call it, chillaxed). And then I continued to read on.
Apparently this thing wasn't too bad. It was the result of a combination of post-binge-drinking-dehydration + pig-snoring. It would gradually subside in 8-12 hours. Ice-cream application and rehydration was recommended. And donations to the blog were welcomed.
I donated.
So anyways, I have a uvula. And so do you. And you need to take care of it.
I turned off the alarm and switched sides in order to continue snoozing till such a time as any additional delay in waking up would put my job in jeopardy, when I noticed the unpleasant sensation peculiar to having something lodged inside your throat. Understandably so, I assumed it to be morning snot which I tried to swallow. It wouldn't go down. I put more effort into it. It just wouldn't budge. Concerned now, I sat up and tried to determine what was preventing the smooth execution of what is usually a relatively elementary bodily function. After a couple more tries and the object continuing its stubborn refusal to be flushed down the gullet, I finally decided that more drastic measures would be required. I shoved my finger inside my mouth and attempted to extricate whatever it was that was lodged inside my throat.
I came up with a mass of my own flesh.
Terrified, I ran to the bathroom, stood in front of the mirror and opened my mouth wide in an attempt to determine the nature of the calamity that appeared to have befallen me during the night.
You know that tiny dangly thing that hangs in front of your tonsils and hovers non-intrusively in the background that you only notice as you check out your teeth for pearliness and spinach? It was FUCKING HUGE. GIGANTIC.
HOOOOLYYY FUUUCCKKKK I screamed to myself, not loudly because I did not wish to wake up Ganesha (I had already named it after the Hindu God that it resembled in both size and physical appearance) and ran downstairs looking for my iPod touch. This was no time to be waiting for Windows Vista to boot up.
As I fired up the iPod browser in order to determine what was wrong with me, I realized that I had no idea what Ganesha was even known as in the medical community. So I typed in "dangly thing in front of throat" and sweet sweet Google ( BTW dear Google, if you're reading this and if you ever wish to use my house as a repository for hiding human remains and shit, CALL ME) immediately supplied me with its biological term. The UVULA.
Now I had something to go on. Still panicking sufficiently so as not to be able to appreciate the humor contained in the word "uvula", I typed "swollen uvula" into Google. And the very first link to appear was this blogpost.
"If you've woken up this morning with a swollen uvula then the best thing to do is eat lots of ice cream and just calm down" began the blogpost.
I immediately failed to calm down due to the realization that I was entirely out of icecream. But I continued to read on.
"Perhaps you were drinking lots of alcohol last night and may have been smoking too. You fell into bed, flat out unconscious and snored the night away motionless and unrousable. You were so knocked out you didn't realise that you were snoring like a pig and profoundly irritating your throat."
YES I said. I had indeed been drinking a lot and probably been snoring like a pig. Go on, said I to the Blogpost.
"You woke this morning with an incredibly dry and sore throat. So dry that no matter how much saliva you tried to swallow it still felt like sandpaper in the mojave desert. You had a drink of water... no relief. Oooh that sore throat, ouch! You looked in the bathroom mirror and opened your mouth wide and looked in. To your horror you noticed that wiggly little thing that hangs down at the back of your mouth was huge! Oh my God! It's all swollen up and you can actually feel it lying on your tongue! Shock! Horror! "What can I do?"
It was almost as if the Blogpost was reading my mind. Except it used the word "wiggly" instead of my preferred "dangly". Anyways, let's go with wiggly.
"First thing is.... DON'T PANIC! ...... calm down, relax, it's not just you, lots of people have this problem. Often due to dehydration the morning after too much booze and much more common in smokers. So just chill for a moment."
Finally, I stopped panicking. I chilled down and relaxed (or as assholes like to call it, chillaxed). And then I continued to read on.
Apparently this thing wasn't too bad. It was the result of a combination of post-binge-drinking-dehydration + pig-snoring. It would gradually subside in 8-12 hours. Ice-cream application and rehydration was recommended. And donations to the blog were welcomed.
I donated.
So anyways, I have a uvula. And so do you. And you need to take care of it.
Priceless post:)
I agree that howmuchever anyone tells one to calm down, it is extremely difficult not to panic when one feels an obstruction in one's throat.
Intriguing.. didn't know it feels THAT bad to have a swollen uvula, maybe because I've never had one
Funny I came across here though, because the only reason I clicked the link on twitter was because I read the post title wrong :P
that was criminally, fascinatingly descriptive in a can't-look-away-from-a-train-wreck kind of way.
i applaud this dramatic return to blogging!
If I may say so, Uvula anagrams to vulva. Not.
Hahahaha amazing and graphic blogpost.
Like Douglas Adams and Quentin Tarantino's bastard child.
Hahaha..interesting description...
I now have a decent excuse for the times when i don't want to drink with everybody. Uvula care, I like it :)
hahahaa..interesting description. I now have a good excuse to stock up on ice cream. :)
This post was very informative and useful to me.
So happy this Blog moved its finger. I had taken its dormancy to be death.
Dear Sir, we are from the HJS and we are here to lawfully protest the denigration of our Hindu God Ganesha. How dare you, dear sir.
Oh, and great to see you back on the blog.
Shouldn't it be, alimentary bodily function? :)
Strangely, my uvula didn't give me any problem. Must first check if I have it.
Good blogpost @cgawker. Shocked to see you having patience and time to name it.
& thanks for providing something to go with lunch..
I feel sorry for your plight, and I hope you don't have to face this again. But why are all people going gaga over this blog post in the comments? The writing is nothing out of the ordinary.
Finally!! Back with a bang!! Hope your er... Thing has shrunk back to the proper size.
Uvula sounds like something that only women would have. but good to know
hahaha.... take care of "GANESHA" !!
brijwhiz : Indeed
AkshatB : Yes, I am cunning that way.
relativelytruthful : Thank you very much, hopefully momentum will be sustained.
AaruC : I'm confused now.
daddysan : Thank you, you left out Rob Zombie.
garfield : I think drinking vodka neat is what really killed me.
Supremus : Please sell me rolex watches.
anonymous : Hopefully more health crises will lead to more blogposts.
nag_acharya : Thank you, please peruse rest of the blog for additional denigrations.
Patrix : It only happens to chronic binge drinkers.
PC : You are welcome. Naming something is the first step to coming to terms with its presence.
Anonymous : I am fully in agreement.
lonestar : Thank you for your patience.
anonymous : I think it was deliberately named thusly.
Harshal : I will. He is safe and secure.
Very well written blog post. Designed to attract attention to the Uvula. But tell me one thing. Why does one need to drink so much, so as to infuriate the Uvula?
It's crazy.
I experienced the same problem as a post-general anesthesia side effect a few weeks ago. It was very annoying and felt like I was going to swallow the damn thing.
Mybe its good. But I wont do as you.
Haha hilarious! :D Fun!
You are such a pleasure to read! Well written article and keep up the work. Super likes.
Original Sound Tracks "
You are back!!
GAY4U gawker!
Best. Post. Ever.
Drinking associated with smoking can cause really big problems. This post should give us all a lesson.
Hahaha. Ouch!
Awesome !
Dude..........Its April already..Write up some shit man! No more interesting things happening??
nice blah try these humor suckers too
fullbc webcomic
That was such an interesting post. I really enjoyed reading it.
The blog is so normative. It expresses things very easily.
This was really fun to read. Thank you for posting this.
Hey Gawker - I love your writing. Is there a way I can get ur posts to my email?
July and nothing yet! Did you have a baby or something?
Nice post. Why no new posts?!
are you dead?
Hahahahaha, loved the post! :D
Never had one tho .. So i don't really know :p
After a long time i have read such a long post.I enjoyed it a lot and wish more people can read like you.
such a nice posts in this blog ...really
i'v read this post more than half-a-dozen times, in the last 1 year, just for the sheer pleasure of it. And i am so glad i did. Last night i drank overwhelmingly, and in d morning i woke up to tremendous pain in my throat and the first thing i remembered was this post and i thought 'holy fuck! Ganesha's been lumped in my throat'. Had i not been an atheist, i'd hav considered this an honor cuz ganesh chaturthi's being celebrated...
So anyway, thanx a lot gawker. U saved me a lot of pain, not just the real pain but of booting my lappy and waitin for chrome to start...
- fellow nagpurkar cum punekar.
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