Wednesday, July 05, 2006

How not to spend a four-day weekend

The problem with four-day weekends is not the fact that eventually, they have to come to a conclusion, but that the countdown to their demise begins barely hours into their arrival. Like, say, about 9:00 am on saturday morning with sunday, monday and tuesday yet to arrive, you begin to bemoan the fact that you've already lost friday night to exhaustion and that one-fifth of the weekend is already over.

Saturday night is even more traumatic. You are not sure whether to consume alcohol, stay awake and milk saturday night for all it's worth and lose sunday morning or to perform the last rites for Saturday night and begin sunday morning bright and early. You spend most of sunday trying to come up with ideas of how to best spend sunday. By evening you still haven't reached a decision.

Sunday night is the half way point of the weekend. It is the time to look back and mourn the passage of the past couple of days and look ahead and mourn the impending passage of the next couple of days.

Monday is obviously spent in a white-knuckled vigil, waiting for tuesday. And it doesn't help that on tuesday, the final night of the four-day weekend, the weather erupts in thunderstorms and results in a cable outage. Sitting in front of a snowy screen, you try and come to terms with the fact that yet another long weekend has come and gone. In some bizarre way, you are almost relieved that your long protracted anticipation of the end of your holiday is finally over and that you can now revel in that more familiar sensation of waiting for the next weekend to arrive.

But on a different note, it was a great game between Deutschland and Italy. I was gonna be an unbiased observer but then I saw the first two comments left on my previous post and became a rabid Italy supporter.

I am not sure what to make of the fact that "drawing a foul" or "selling a dive" has morphed into a skill to be talked about and praised by commentators. Why should the fact that someone was able to deceive a referee into awarding him a free kick be something to celebrate? It's like calling someone a great boxer 'cause he can get the other guy disqualified by forcing him to punch him in his testicles by jumping up and raising his crotch to glove level . No, the ability to "draw a foul" isn't what makes a great player. So the next time someone tries to fake it, please, dear commentator, point at him and laugh. Call him names. Make him feel bad. But don't put him on a pedestal.


RobRoy said...

Again, this is where black tar heroine works better. You shoot up on Friday night, ride the wave through to Sunday morning, do a few shots, score some more heroine, and then you're good through to Wednesday night when you can check into rehab.

Anonymous said...

I didn't know you were spying on me, noting down my every movement and chronicling my thoughts over the last four days!

You should watch football with Spanish commentary like I do (ofcourse I do it for want of options). It's more fun and that way!
And more peaceful too, cuz it'll be halftime before you figure out the guys in white playing under the name 'Alemania' are actually Germans!
And then you'll realize that the 0 you always see next to Alemania is actually a 0 and not an in, it's Alemania:(score) Zero and not AlemaniaO, which could be yet another country!

Anonymous said...

I guess you are listening to ESPN's lame-ass commentary.

Anonymous said...


Its a pretty problem these long weekends. Luckily we had the two world cup matches to pass the time. Rest of the time was spend wondering if I should get some work done or booze.

As it usually happens, did neither. Luckily, the weekend is right around the corner.

Deepak Shenoy said...

Have you ever considered that if you have a four day weekend, you've spent the better part of the week having a weekend?

Not that I'm complaining. I have one coming up near August 15.

Anonymous said...

i drove to indy saturday afternoon. tailgated outside the tracks. grilled and got trashed through the evening and night. slept in tents beside a bunch of drunk germans, drunk italians, drunk (and very hot) brazilians and a bunch of drunk and stupid americans who kept blowing firecrackers for a continuous 4 hours in a fire pit. Saw the Formula1 race on sunday. Drove back home and cruised through monday and tuesday with some more beer and soccer on the sides.
PS - im rooting for Italy, my boss is italian

gawker said...

robroy : blak tar heroine appears to be a solution to most worldly problems. Kinda like the gay marriage amendment. Maybe congress should spend more time on legalizing black tar heroine.

jk : i don't need to watch spanish sports to misunderstand who is wearing which jersey. i do that on regular espn as well.

naveen : yup .. they are kinda goofy. especially during the iran mexico game when they kept implying that the iranian football players should be ashamed of themselves because of their madman president. Now what the fuck?

confused : yeah i know , too much decision-making kinda spoils the long weekend. which is why i love it when it rains on a long weekend because it forces me to stay home and do nothing.

deepak : yes, i thought about that too, it was a long weekend no i had a lot of time to think.

slime : that sounds very nice. i didn't do shit. i didn't even drink a lot. i think im getting too old to get drunk.