Thursday, July 27, 2006

Maybe enabling comments was a bad idea

Sometimes I wonder if I did the right thing in enabling comments on this blog. Many times, what happens is, you start to read one of my blog posts, then when you are on the very second line of the post, you see something that you agree with so whole-heartedly that you drop everything right there and begin to craft a comment in your mind.

So while crafting that comment, your brain tunes out and you miss reading the third, fourth, fifth and sixth lines and by God, you shouldn't have missed those lines because those were truly the best ones in the entire post. By the time you are done composing the comment in your mind, checked it for grammatical errors, spelling mistakes and inappropriate Nazi references, you have already reached the twentieth line of the post. Since you have missed the last 19 lines of the post, the 21st line suddenly doesn't make any sense. Fuck it, you say, this is such a crappy post. Why am I even reading this blog? And then you delete me from your bloglines subscription list.

That makes me very sad because bloglines subscriptions are like Las Vegas casino dollars. They really have no value outside of the casino but when you are inside, they make you feel like a million bucks worth of real money.

I realize that this might be the very first line you are reading after you tuned out at the second line but please don't remove me from your bloglines subscription.


Anonymous said...

Ha! Who dare remove such a famous blogger.....
I have added you to my favorites:)

ggop said...

Are you getting flamed? ;-)
Will you do an Amit Verma type disabling?

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

ok. to reverse some of it, i'll add you to my blogroll. :-)
you have some funny stuff here. :)

Cee Kay said...

Heh - an accurate assessment. My blog suffers from the same problem, I tell you. Why else would there be only a handful of comments for the brilliant posts that i write?

And we see the same behavior in people when they are in a conversation with someone - they are busy "formulating" their own witty comeback, so they miss most of the conversation. I always get this picture in my mind where these two people have a window in between them, and the "already-formulating-his-reply" person controls the window. He opens the window, throws out a sentence or two, shuts it and starts working on what to say next. Or it is like this person is behind a closed window and opens the window only when he/she needs to throw out some garbage.

Oh well - sorry for such a long comment. Will try to keep them shorter from now on (do you really believe that?!)

RobRoy said...

Nazis? I can't believe you mentioned them. That must make you evil and in league with Satan or some Indian-related diety!

That would also account for your cutting wit and clever writing style. I would like to be in league with your Satan-esque diety.

gawker said...

aboli : aww thank you, note that i usually do not use aww because i find its use disturbing but in this case i have no alternative.

ggop : no i had comments disabled once and then i lost a lot of weight and water began to taste funny and i promised myself i wouldn't disable comments anymore. this was just a rhetorical exercize.

the girl : thank you thank you i would have said aww but i try to limit myself to one a day.

getting there : yes you depicted it perfectly and that is exactly what i do not want my readers to do because come on now, that is like serving your own food in someone else's restaurant.

robroy : your transparent attempt to sell my lord your soul through flattery will not work. that is, unless you have a dal mine on your property somewhere.

Anonymous said...

Actually, I went into my bloglines subsription to remove some of the bloggers. Saw your blog had a new entry (about the dal getting cookes in NASA), came to your blog, read this one, and now am considering of keeping the subsription alive, provided, you don't make such posts (as this one) anymore...

Anonymous said...

Added you to favourites too. Good , funny blog

Anonymous said...

vegna ekki:)