Q. What do you get when you cross Lee Iacocca with Dracula?
A. Autoexec.bat
From the comments section :
I wonder if anybody pointed out the math flaw in the joke?
Technically if you CROSS the two you should get a sine(theta) ie |autoexec||bat|sine(theta). Thus you want the answer to have a DOT in it ie |autoexec||bat|cos(theta) then you have to multiply by tan(theta) so that the cosines cancel.
Thus the mathematically correct answer to the riddle is AUTOEXEC.BAT tan(theta)
Slapped my head so loudly that a co-worker is amused...
I would have laughed, but I didn't get it. So instead, I just scratched my head. I'm pleased to report that my head feels better.
Where do you store all these jokes?
A: The "boot" sector.
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