Thursday, March 16, 2006

Insensitive remark of the day

"You need to make sure that you don't bump into and cause things to fall off the desk, walking around with that on your face"

Colleague, referring to a newly visible zit on my face that's grown to monstrous proportions. I guess it's good 'cause it means I'm young for my age and still in the throes of puberty.


Deepak Shenoy said...

it's the side effects of your finally having succumbed to the spam and ordering those feature enhancing pills...or maybe theyworked on the wrong feature...

sorry nasty mood today i don't know why. also writing in lowercase. it is 2 am and i must sleep.

Alpha said...

lol @ deepak. I was looking for someone in their throes of puberty to donate my Ultimate Britney Spears CD collection. Mind if I throw in a few Mills and Boons too?