Friday, January 25, 2008

Making fun of women the right way

I have observed this in many men. If they wish to make fun of a woman they know by impersonating her, instinctively, the very first thing they do is pretend they have breasts by cupping their hands around their chest and strutting around with chest held high. Speaking as a man and also as a connoisseur of comedy, I've gotta ask this, come on man, is this the best you could come up with? Are we men suffering from such a severe bankruptcy of comical talent? Go ahead, make fun of the lady's mannerisms, gait, chewing habits, educational qualifications, choice of spouse, quality of offspring and if you are that adventurous, perhaps even her taste in clothes. But if the very first thing you do when called upon to caricaturize her in her absence is to try and match her physical appearance, well, that just makes it obvious to your audience that you've pretty much run out of ideas.

Not to mention the fact that there aren't many women that you see nowadays walking around cupping their breasts in their hands. Yes, ever since the brassiere was invented, the need for women to physically carry the burden of their own bosom has vanished entirely. I am guessing many men are not yet aware of that fact. Mama fell short in the education of her little boy.

I think the real problem here is breast envy. After all, thou wilst make fun of that which thou desires the most. Men still can't get over the fact that they have one of something which women don't while women have two of something that men don't. And this only covers everything neck down because neck up, that puts women another point ahead. And unlike a big screen television or a BMW, it is not something that can be acquired by simply shelling out money. And so, when it is the right time, breast envy comes out in full force. When men make fun of a woman by walking around with with an elevated chest, they are actually grabbing the opportunity to pretend to have breasts. Just like those men who wear women's clothes in secret. Or like in that one extreme case, the guy who liked to wear women's skins.

Oh yes, we are a conflicted, creepy gender. Best stay away from us.


The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...

lol! loved it! :)

i'm going to throw "Breast envy" at every guy that bothers me now.

neighbours envy owners pride. :)

p.s: thanks for the liberty bell story too. :)

Oracle said...

that encapsulates the male mentality of looking/treating women as play objects. i think men do it to make women ashamed of themselves more than anything else. if they wanted one then they have a number of plastic surgeons at their disposal!
but it sure suxxs to see ones gender portrayed as that

gawker said...

tgfi : you're welcome. Hopefully that Liberty Bell story gave you some historical insight into my stupidity.

oracle : Yes, plastic surgery or excessive beer intake. That could help too.

Katy Carr said...

Well i think it is not the mere fact that men should honour the fact that women are important in society and make fun in a confidence raising way to women - say for instance by doing it in a subtle but gentle way - some men are absolutely rude and I do agree with a previous comment that seek out to upset and antagonize women. I have had also horrid remarks made to me in public arenas by insecure men who have said things like 'why does everything you say sound sarcastic?' which have aimed to belittle me and knock my confidence as a female. so it's a complex question. However i hope that women never have to have their confidence knocked in the way i have - and nasty men be aware i will get it back ! oh look it's here - back - losers.... i love the earth and we need to be more open and loving to one another, man, woman, child, all creatures!!!