Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Home. This is it.

Woods, streams, deer, tigers, a noticeable absence of maximum security prison facilities, it's all there. This is home.

By popular demand, here's the full frontal.


Anonymous said...

Congrats bhad, now how bout some Frontal nudity and bu** shots. of the house i mean ..

gawker said...

that is the frontal shot no.

The_Girl_From_Ipanema said...


Anonymous said...

Congrats !

Now look forward to the singing of birds, the chirping of insects and and the steady drone of lawnmowers and leaf blowers. :)

J. Alfred Prufrock said...

Ummm .. tigers? TIGERS? In suburbia?

And sir, that is a top-shot, at most a peeking-down-the-cleavage shot. It is NOT a frontal shot.

And oh, welcome back.


gawker said...

TGFI : thanks

bongo : yes, not to mention the raucous cacophony of wind rustling through trees and water gurgling over rocks. I am gonna need some goddamn ear plugs.

JAP : Thank you sir. Sure, we've got tigers. And UFOs. And Yetis. Just cause I haven't seen any of those doesn't mean they don't exist.

Abi said...

Congrats, Gawker! Now, get back to some regular blogging, will you? Things have been rather dull without Gawker's spicy posts ...

gawker said...

Thanks abi. I don't know how if my posts will be spicy anymore now that I am getting domesticated.

Anonymous said...

yay! congratulations. welcome to the..err...money-pit.

look forward to tales of suburban adventure from you.

ggop said...

Woo hoo! Shiny! Congratulations!

zambezi said...

when u closing? Congratulations!!!! is this the one we spoke about last week when i called?

RobRoy said...

Congrats on owning your own peice of the American-debt Dream!

But I thought you wanted dolphins in addition to your other wildlife?

gawker said...

anjali : Thanks. I am sure adventures will follow soon. Lots of staircases now to trip and fall over.

ggop : Thank you. Yes, it will remain shiny till I move in.

zambezi : January. No, that was the one which turned out to be next to a prison and was therefore taken out of the reckoning.

robroy : Thanks. I am sure land-loving dolphins will gradually appear here with time, this area being relatively close to a nuclear power plant and all. Hopefully they won't have claws.

Sujatha Bagal said...

Congratulations G and Mrs. G!

gawker said...

Suj : Thanks